Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chem question?

how many grams of precipitate, and how many grams of excess reagent would be left after reacting 2.99g of lithium carbonate with 4.077g of calcium acetate?

Does he like me? Homecoming?

So there's this guy... for the sake of anonymity let's call him Jake. We sort of had a thing a couple years ago. But sadly, we parted for a while but still talked every once in a while. We have a cl together this semester and have been talking again. He asked me to homecoming and did not specify whether it was platonic or not. At homecoming dinner (with like 40 friends) i showed up and saw him from the distance. I got caught talking to a friend as he walked over. But my friend said he looked "starry eyed" when he saw me. Fast forward to the dance. We danced, grinded a little, and slow danced. It was fun. We held hands too. :D so my question is.... do you think there is a possibility that he likes me?

If this makes any sense, please answer......?

Is a person lacking common sense or intelligence when they think that there are very few absolutes or do they have a high intellect for realizing that there are sometimes an incalcubable number of variables involved in every perception and individual reality?

I really want to kill myself but I'm afraid too?

Join the club. You are an age where it is common to contemplate suicide. MAny churches are open in the daytime. I don't want you to get all religious. But you go in and just sit quiet in the pew and think about life. It's a nice experience, very calming.

Straps for dress? picture in discription?

You could get some silky black ribbon... not very expensive, you could probably get it at the dollar store! It could be as wide as you want, or very thin!

I am starting a sungles company and was wondering if i should copyright, patent, trademark, or incorporate?

Their all different things man, be more specific. How big are you planning to make it? are you going international? Details please

Will our complete acceptance of science be the death of God (for us at least)?

Are we now (as ever before) being given a final choice to be reunited with our inner worlds or to ignore God completely and embrace fully, science and the exploration of outer worlds. Would that bring the death of the spiritual if the outer has replaced the inner?

How do I get free internet while homeless and on the road?

I have no computer at the moment, while waiting, endlessly, for an afforable, tough(impervious to the elements tablet pc I can draft and sketch on, with cad), but I need internet, dispite no funds, income or address, in the US of amerika. How?

Anyone know of any modern hotels in Playa del Carmen?

Hi, you could find the hotel you want at the site below. Just filter based on the hotel features to find the hotel you want.

Final Fantasy Help!? (please read!)?

You apparently don't realise how simplistic the stories in video games (even top-end RPGs) are in comparison to even mid-level skill books. The entire plot of FF7 wouldn't take even 100 pages, and all the twists in it are contrived and intentionally overly confusing even after they are straightened out.

Help, Mini Sewing Machine, Shark Euro Pro?

I was in the 4-H club when I was a kid. You really don't want to go there. Its junk and you will soon get frustrated. You would be better served to save you money or better yet maybe get Santa to bring you a sewing machine. Sears has several that are 3/4 size.Craig's list is not the best place to buy a sewing machine. These little machines are very cheaply made. Good luck and happy sewing,

Anyone else have a boss that calls you lazy and works less then you?

i know he's the boss but he likes to call me lazy when i do most of the work and he's hangin out playin golf and walkin around talkin on the phone while i'm constantly working. i'm there every day on time and never leave early. i do a better job then he does when he works(he also admits this). i think he just likes to be argumentative. because he loves to argue at all times. except he pays me to much to quit and find something else.

Global depression? How long?

Chances are I don't live in the same country you do. I threw out the TV long ago, but every now and then I tune in to BBC radio. Their coverage of the economic woes of the past several months has been very good, but today for the first time I sensed a bit of anxiousness in the business reporter's voice. So excuse my naivet� when I ask -- are North America and Western Europe really facing a major economic depression? If you believe so, how long do you think it will last?

Small insects flying at computer screen?

Every few days a small insect will fly at my computer screen, hit it, then proceed to walk along the desk until I murder it, I just want to know what type of insect it is and what I can do to prevent them reappearing. The insect is very small and almost perfectly circular and has a alternating stripe body of a brown and tan colour, can anyone help?

Looking to Donate to Womans Shelter in Detroit Area/Oakland County Michigan?

Try contacting Catholic Charities. They ist women no matter religious affiliation. They will not give you the location of the shelter but will arrange a drop off place for you. They take in women and children in need, shelter, clothe, feed and train them, to get them out of harms way

15 gallon (24x12x12) Aquarium Stocking Ideas?

don't get fish that grow more than 6 inches if you have a molly or a tetra. cause if you get fish like cichlid it will eat them. so I reccomend neon tetras, mickey mouse platies, guppies, danios, or maybe a bala shark. if you have small fish get more small fish or non meat eating fish! good luck

Leonardo da Vinci Airport?

You shouldn't have any problems. Everything is clearly marked and the people are very helpful. You might want to visit the website of the airport to see if they have a map but I don't think you will need on. There are people and security everywhere. So things should go very smoothly for you. Have a great trip.

What is success........?

i don't think that it's something that can be defined so concisely.clearly you agree,by way of all the possible answers that you yourself answer would be you can measure success in so many different ways. what you may regard as success,to others it may be regarded as a's something that you have define for yourself,to have real value and,what do you think?,have i been successful,in defining success?

The bourne unconnectedcy?

Yes, I know. The screenwriter never read any of the Bourne books, so that may be why. I'm not joking. It's true.

How do you sharpen the tile nippers used when creating mosaic pieces?

My best guess (with a personal pion as a Boy Scout for making things as sharp as possible, mwahaha) would be to use a hand sharpener (unfortunately, a good one can be relatively expensive) or if you have a dremel use the stone disk (It's a sharpener) or perhaps find a good shop teacher with a grinding wheel?

Question about when a doctor orders X-Rays, help?

Did you get them from medical records? If so, then that is all that was taken. A doctor takes more due to pick the best ones to look at. They do look at them all though.

How do i lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks?

Ok, I'm 5'6.. I got down to 145 back in July, and then started gaining weight, a lot of weight. I've tried and tried to get it off but idk what to do. I'm 15, and pretty active..walk tuesdays and thurdays, kickboxing monday wednesday and fridays. What do i do??!??

How many fish would it take?

I have a 37 gallon tank and i want real plants in it, and ive heard if you have enough fish theyll produce enough carbon dioxide for the plants. i have 2 in a 5 gallon and my plants are doing great, and i have 5 in a 10 gallon and the plants are doing fine, but i have 16-17 in my 37 and my plants are dying.. how many more should i add?? and what kinds

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hemophilia is a -linked trait caused by a recessive allele. (“N” normal “n” recessive) A woman who is a car?

There is 50% of chance to have a male child (X from mother and Y from father), and only males could be sick (so 0% of possibility to have a female sick). There is 50% of chances that the mother give the recessive allele to his son (as there is 1 normal and 1 recessive allele). Thus the possibilities to have a son sick are 50 % of 50%, that is 25%.

Ivan Calderon V Roman "chocolate" Gonzalez?

Calderon is talking about going back down to 105 and Gonzalez is ready for 108, this is a must match for 2009. I think Gonzalez will destroy the legend, what do you think?

Simple Political question?

Do you think the government can fix economic woes by spending more? or should they just step back and let the free market do its thing.

Has anyone heard Obama's radical solution to the Gulf oil spill?

My solution is a modified Top Kill. Dump a bunch of BP executives over the leak, hoping they would clog the leak.

Why does she keep stopping half way through?

Everytime I am on top she will make me stop after two minutes to catch her breath then ask me to go on top again, when im on top her hips are bucking like a bronco, but when i ask her she says she just gets tired but breathes heavily is she not enjoying it or it because I'm a lot bigger than her and she can't handle my weigh for too long. We tried with her onto but she doesn't llike that

How to break up with someone? Nice ways..?

Okay, so I first started dating this guy and his friends didn't really like me because I was all positive and they were all negative and thought I was going to take their friend away. So they made a bunch of rumours up and slandered my name. He didn't really stand up for me, until I told him he had to in which it was too late. I ended up breaking up with him. However, he apologized over and over and acted really sweet and somehow managed to squeeze his way in again. Anyway so we ended up getting along and fixing things and it was good for a few months. But for some reason recently I can't really get over the way I wad treated before. Maybe because he keeps slipping it in nonchalantly. He smokes weed which I don't enjoy at all. He has cut back for me and has done lots of things I have asked for but I just don't feel like I could love him. I feel like he tries so hard to get me to love him, it's like I just don't want to and if I do decide to love him, is he going to go back to smoking weed and not sticking up for me. Plus he always tells me we are going to do this or that, and when I get to his house we never actually end up doing anything. Sometimes we do but most of the time the plans fall through. Really it is just too boring for me. I am 21 years old and need to get out there and figure myself out more. Plus he is sometimes negative and grumpy which I feel brings me down. But don't get me wrong I'm just focusing on all the bad right now to justify my decision to break up with me. He is a really nice guy and really would do anything for me. Help!

I am 13 and have hary legs. i want 2 shave but my mom refuses to let me. part of it is self esteem. plz hlp!?

i like shorts but dont wear them cuz of my legs. i get really uncomforatleble when the talk is of shaving. need 2 know how 2 pursuade my mom into letting me.

What are all the uncommon sources of proteins?

things such as aphanizomenon flos-aquae, spirulina, dried breadfruit, drinks, nuts or grains that we usually don't eat. I've read an article that we could ground dried breadfruit into flour and use it as a good food source. I'm interested in alternative sources of proteins, things that we usually don't eat. I'm already eating pine nuts. is there any protein in coconut? I've read another article that coconut's saturated fat isn't bad for us cause it's digested different.

I don't really get what Kristen Stewart is saying; is she a stripper or is it just her part in another movie?

Haha she's not a stripper. Why would an actress like her do something so low? She's apparently going to play a stripper in an upcoming movie, so she's probably practicing for it.

Is this wrong what my teacher does to me?

Keep a diary if this is serious and show it to your school counsellor and they may be able to help. Have a good day. Sandy.

What are your recent additions to your favourites list?

I've recently added Gideon, Ezra, Ariel and Uzziah to my favourite boys names, and Helen to my favourite girls names. It's so much harder for my to find girls names that I like than boys.

Help with early christianity?

what was the first ever early christian sect in the 1st century and did they blieve in jesus physical bodily resurrection

Do Christians believe more in the bible or more in God?

It seems to me that evangelical Christians inparticular believe in the bible verses and if the bible was proven wrong (and written by ordinary man for self serving puroses) they would flounder with no faith and no real views on anything. Actually I think they would NEVER accept any other truth even if proven. Ted Haggard was deemed a God in many ways and now just because he is gay he is seen as a forgiven sinner or less. I don't get it. Someone try and explain.

Should i start playing rs again.?

I enjoy the game a lot, and i just started a new account. I tried a client (mopar) and It was ind of well, BORING!!! Is it going to be the same (boring) if i get really good at the real runescape? Is it more fun to have sill capes in real rs? And don't say things like: runescape is such and such, or play WOW geek, or get a life, because i have a life bud. So, is real rs better than moparscape? Is shoudl i PLAY RS AGAIN?

Pregnant but negative HPT's?

Have any ladies ever been up to 3 months pregnant but never gotten a BFP on HPT's? A girl at work said she never received a positive hpt until almost 4 months gone. How is this possible?

Do you think I have OCD?

wow you are one really weird guy, go see a doctor immediately and the doctor will give you medicine to stop you from doing all these weird stuff

What do you think of these names?

Graham, Damien, and Abner are my favourites. I would rethink Edgar and Casper, they seem too character-like, and that won't be helpful later on. I would spell the name "Atley", because it's simpler. Hope I helped!

Accounting Question, Please help?

You paid $600 in credit. You made such a payment either because you received services or goods. Such a transaction lead to increase in liabilities as you increase you ets. In this case your liability is $600. Your et must also have the same value($600). So your et(goods or services) will be the debit while the account payable will be the credit.

Do you think Christianity will be a dead religion in a few hundred years?

Statistically 15,000 Christians leave Christianity every year and go to Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and Paganism. The only sect of Christianity that doesn't seem to be losing a whole lot of members is Catholicism.

What have i done to my finger?

i got my mop out of the cupboard and felt this really painfull sharp pain in my finger, straight away my index finger became swollen, stiff and black, in the middle of the palm side i also have tingling slightly. i have broken this finger before but in a different place does anyone know what i may have done?

Who are your fav. ws users? + wq?

Hannah Hardy, Wennie, BOTTOM LINE,, Donovan T,, and a multitude of other people I keep up with. There are a few that I don't interact with that much, like Dragon RAW, Superior Quality and Kjors whom I enjoy reading their opinions They all have very knowledgeable minds and unique viewpoints. There are a few more people on Yahoo! 360 whom I like talking to as well, but I haven't in awhile.

What are the ways to prevent Global Warming ?

there are many ways to prevent the global warming, first easy to make is do not burn the plastics because it will be damage our ozone layer and stores greenhouse effect. another term is do not burn leaves i think that many people are burning leaves to minimize their trash or space it contains carbon dioxide and the plastic is also contained. and you should know about this the easy way to minimize your dead leaves is to put it on the under the ground or dig a hole the put it, the cover it by the sand. that's my opinion.

How much does a replica of katana cost app. in USA?

I'm curious 'cause I bought one in Prague, Czech Republic a few years ago, and it cost me 800 CZK, which is around 41 USD now. So, how much do katana replicas cost in USA?

Raw fantasy come view and rate the show 1-10?

BREAKING NEWS: *MAJOR* Spoilers for tonights RAW! VINCE MCMAHON RETURNING TONIGHT?? We have the backstage news right now! ++ Ric Flair will open the show. What does he have to say? We know! +++ STONE COLD BACK TONIGHT??? We have the BACKSTAGE NEWS AS ALWAYS at

Where I can buy commercial water purification plant?

I saw the water shop in the colombia,there has big water manchine,it can make water and to cell ,beside it can wash the bottle ,I went to know the information and to buy the manchine,please give me answer.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I want to watch a couple of old judy garland movies?

because they are expensive, could anyone tell me if everybody sing is worth thirty dollars, and if the pirate is any good as well

My daughter has started peeing her pants at school- 3rd grade?

First thing first, make an appointment with your doctor to make sure there is nothing medically wrong. Kids her age can get UTI's. If nothing is medically wrong, either something is happening at school or she is wanting your attention because you now have a new baby. If she is wetting at night, I would not hesitate one minute and put her in a diaper at night. What may have to happen also is a threat of if she cannot stay dry during the day when there is nothing medically wrong with her, her new wardrobe will change from fruit of the loom to pampers size seven diapers. I know it sounds alot since you already have a 21 month and a 4 month already in diapers but hey diapers work really good these days. It would sure be better than constant changing sheets, bedding, pajamas, or wet clothing during the day, I was a bed wetter and I can sure say its better to wake up in a wet diaper than wet bedding and pajamas.

Favorite Elton John album?

Recently, I broke out all my old vinyl records and re-listened to Elton John's "Tumbleweed Connection" and forgot how astounding it is. Does anybody else have a favorite album from Elton? If so, which one and why?

What are your views on the candidates for the Harrow East & Canons Ward Elections?

Dont you mean Nahid Boethe, nick clegg is standing in Sheffield Hallam, so you won't be voting for clegg. the only one Ive heard of is mcnulty.

Who would have been Adolf Hitler's and the Nazi party's biggest financial supporter in the beginning?

Alfred Krupp and a whole string of Americans who had invested in German industry. So moneyed Americans from Henry Ford to Joseph Kennedy paid for the guns and bullets that eventually killed so many American soldiers. But don't worry, they made a nice fat profit.

Reaction to upsetting things?

I'm sorry to hear you have self harmed, but I hope you get ped that. I think what you mean by saying "i don't get upset about the actual thing" is that you get upset about 'everything bad that happened' including the 'actual thing.' Sometimes when you are 'supposed' to be bothered by the actual thing, other things that had happened just catch up with you and therefore clouding that 'actual thing'--but it's still there. If what you said has happened in the past as well, then it probably does affect how you react--and the way you react is almost like a defense mechanism. From what I read, I think you should talk to your mom...Hopefully this kinda answers your question.

How many 1969 Plymouth sport satellite convertibles were manuf?

Check out the site listed. It usually has all specs on vehicles. I have found a vast amount of mopar info there.

How do I help my friend stop smoking?

I am sorry to tell you that your friend has to want to quit smoking on his own. You can lend support but ultimately the choice is his.

GIRLS: Is she my girlfriend? I don't know?

I got message from my 16 yr. old friend. She said we are on. I said ok. Next time we meet, we smooch. She lives in far city. We seldom see each other but when we do we smooch. What are we? Is she my gf?

Bad first semester grade sopre year?

I am usually a solid A or B+ student in all my other academics but math is my weakest subject. Freshman year (algebra I), I got solid C+'s and one B-. I got a D+ on both the midterm and final, but semester grade was a D. This year (sopre year) I've taken on 3 honors cles and my work load is increasingly heavier. For 1st quarter Geometry, I got a D+ and 2nd quarter I got a solid C (74%) and failed the midterm O_o. My semester grade was not good. I switched to a different cl to avoid failing the cl 3rd and 4th quarter + the final. I was wondering if my chances at a good college (preferably state, etc) are butchered? I know this will be on my transcript and I've been worrying like crazy. Please give me your opinions on whether or not I have ruined my chances at being accepted into a college?

Why are so many black people fat?

That's what they call soul food eating. I'm not degrating anyone of color. I'm half black myself. On the other hand, none of my dads side of the family is fat. My dad has a total if 9 brothers and sisters. None of them are maybe it's just how much one person eats. Form growing up and visiting his side of the family, I remember they did eat different foods along with fried foods, and none of them are fat! It's just how much you eat is all.

Memorial tattoo ideas for a baby?

I had a miscarriage a couple weeks ago and my boyfriend and I want to get tattoos in memory of our baby. We were thinking of my boyfriend getting a baby footprint on the back of his right calf with a halo above it and "Daddy loves you." written underneath and I would get the opposite footprint with the halo on the back of my left calf and "Mommy loves you." underneath that. What do you guys think? Any other ideas? I'm open to all kinds of opinions.

Martial arts more effective for?

Any are good, and any is better than nothing. I do Taekwondo and Karate which has a lot of cops that do it. I think some also do Jiu Jitsu. Sorry but I'm not going to come with it's not the fighter but the martial art ****.

2009 AP TOUR T-Shirt?

Does anyone know if there was a collective tour shirt and not just individual bands? If there was can i get it anywhere online?

Should the Federal Reserve use preemptive strikes when conducting monetary policy, where it reacts in advance?

My opinion here is no. I say no because if "preemptive" moves are constantly made by entities who think they can anticipate what happens in the future, then at what point do those moves stop being "preemptive" and start to determine what the future will be.

Harry Potter Innuendos?

LMFAO THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. especially what with every time 'wand' appears..that is incredibly're kind of a pervert if you got that out of children's books. but i'm glad because i swear i almost p*ssed myself

What style of Kerrits Breeches is the best?

I'm going between the full seat breath tight, and the full seat microcords. I know that the microcord ones have suede and I'm not sure about breath tight. Are they suede too? Anyway which one is more comfortable and secure in the saddle?

How should the parents separate the children?

Sorry for the poor wording of the question i couldn't think of a way to put it.My aunt is getting divorced.They have 7 children(4 girls, 3 boys all adopted).There names are Lilly,Air (short for Aaron),Jason,Dylan,Tammy,Lexi,and Lulu (short for Lullaby).3 of the girls are triplets (Tammy,Lexi,and Lulu) and they have an older brother (Dylan) who also lives with them.The oldest girl (Lilly) doesn't get along with the middle boy (Air).Should the girls go with the mom and the boys go with the dad or some how separate Lilly and Air?Should the Triplets go with there brother?Should they have full custody or partial custody (few kids stay with the mom, few kids stay with the dad, parents switch kids on the weekend).Should the mom get full custody or the dad?Please answer and if you have any other thoughts on how to arrange the kids please put that in your answer too.

Put these words into your own or state your opinion...10 pts.?

Coral reefs are dying around the world.[42] In particular, coral mining, pollution (organic and non-organic), overfishing, blast fishing and the digging of cs and access into islands and bays are serious threats to these ecosystems. Coral reefs also face high dangers from pollution, diseases, destructive fishing practices and warming oceans."[43] In order to find answers for these problems, researchers study the various factors that impact reefs. The list of factors is long, including the ocean's role as a carbon dioxide sink, atmospheric changes, ultraviolet light, ocean acidification, biological virus, impacts of dust storms carrying agents to far flung reefs, pollutants, algal blooms and others. Reefs are threatened well beyond coastal areas.


My worst acne was when I worked as a fry cook. I had to quit bc I had never had acne before. With your prob, maybe have some antibacterial gel handy.

+ hpt today!!! YAY!!! How far along am i?

the first day of my last period was July 23rd, and i got a positive reading from an ovulation tester on 8/6 and a positive hpt today, 8/17. I calculated my due date using my period and it was april 29th, but if you count backwards from then that would make me 4 weeks which can't be right. So which is it???

Help me with this blackjack program?

It looks like AutoIt. If the Author doesn't provide support, then have a look in the helpfile which is included with the scripting language.

Does anyone know who won the 1993 Superbowl please?

who won the 1993 superbowl plz ty! my computers actin rreally, websites not workn properly please.. anyone?

When Earth is liberated from the “140-Year Scientific Dark Age” (Evolution), who's the 1st person you'll call?

Evolution will be with us till the end of this age, then Satan will be thrown into the bottomless pit, and will deceive the nations no more.

Roller Derby Names. Please Help!!?

i need a name for roller derby. i have a very independent personality, and i always stand out from the crowd.

In the second chapter of the Scarlet Letter what is the crumbling wall?

Hester Prynne's dying hopes and dreams as she faces the harsh reality of her life among the rigid Puritans

My friend just got shot?

Get him to the hospital, everything is going to be alright, most leg wounds aren't very serious, so don't worry. Just take him to the hospital, Trust me he's WAY more nervous and scared than you. just visit him, and help him out, he'll recover :)

If You're NOT Famous, Rich, Accomplished, Extremely Intelligent or Model-Beautiful, POST HERE!?

I'm not anyone special to the world.... but who cares about the world... Those people don't matter to the ones that matter to me! I have a beautiful family.. and i'm pretty damn special to them!

Why am i infatuated with him?

im going into 9th grade and theres this kidv named dylan going into 11th grade. we live in the same town but he doesnt go to my school...he goes to links because hes gotten into a lot of trouble. ive never actually talked to him but i see him around a lot and im OBSESSED with him. i talk about him like 99% of the time and im just obsessed with him and i dont know why.

What popular FEMALE pop-dance song chorus goes like this?

How many times are you going to ask this question???? I've come across it maybe 7 times this week. Anyway, I've got no idea who it is... I don't listen to pop music.

How can Mohammed be a prophet if he did not come from the line of David?

There are other prophets before David. The question is why a prophesy would say that a prophet would come of the Israelites and come instead from the Arabs.

What do you think of this dress for a semi formal, and what color shoes do u think would fo best with it?

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Why is there is used engine oil inside as well as out on the radiator header tank on an s reg v6 vectra.?

the car has just been given to me and is currently a non has been stood for about a year. its too good to scrap with super bodywork and 16 inch sport alloys. even the spare wheel has never seen daylight. can anyone give sensible advice before i spend any money on it. thanks.

Mcfadden or mcgahee at #3 RB?

i cant decide if i should start willis mcgahee with his knee problems, or to give the rookie darren mcfadden the start for week 1.

Can a stay at home mom collect?

my sons is 23 but autistic i cant trust to leave him here all day and my husband has abandoned us completely i dont know where he is, i think kuwait, we are running low on money can i collect welfare? or something? i am on pills for depression,

Skateboarding help =]?

Hi. im kinda new to skating. got the ollie down kinda well can do it moving... down a curb... stationary is kind of a pain but that too... but i tried it on the carpet and i cant even pop its as if im lifting my nose and slamming it back down. why?

Will the christian jesus be the last savior crucified?

Yeah, I think he will be the last one. People say they believe that BS but if anyone tried to convince them today that it occurred, they'd be a laughing stock. But then, the Dali Lama is believed to be a reincarnated being...but I still doubt a new crucified/resurrected savior will be found...maybe new religious philosophy but I think that stuff is over b/c of our technology.

Tornado warning siren is going off for oakland county.?

I live in Southern Oakland County MI, and the tornado siren is going off. it is not raining or anything but it is thundering and lightning and we are watching tv and it says southern oakland county is in pink.

My 14 yr old cousin (on my sn) talked to a friend, tell me if you think he's creepy too? And what I should do?

yes that's creepy. is there anyway you can get the conversation and report him? idk what version of aim you have..

Does anybody know some good teenage theater communities in the Los Angelas area?

I'm 14 years old and I can't find any good theater communities where the cl goes on during the school year(besides school of course) in the Los Angeals(preferably near West Hills) area. Does anybody know of anything?

Does Heath Ledger deserve an Oscar for his performance in the Dark Knight?

I saw the movie at midnight at the Imax in St Augustine and i was blown away. i think heath was amazing and is well deserving of the award. what do you think?

Why do the moderators of Yahoo! Answers abuse the "misuse of the question and answer format" to delete questio?

They're overly responsive to complaints. What you wrote, although totally correct, bothers the pious.

Would someone who knows what they're doing be willing to proofread my novel?

I would like a a good writer or creative writing professor or someone to proofread the first couple pages of my novel. It's not long but I don't want to post it on here, I would like to email it to you, or maybe if I could upload it to a site or something and then send you the link that would work. I don't need it proofed for grammatical errors and such, but for my writing. Things such as the words I use, if I'm "showing" and not telling, my dialougue, point, of view, empty adverbs, flat writing, not using the "to be" words (was, are, ect), and things like that. So if you think you can do that, and you don't mind me emailing it to you, or if you have an idea for another way, I would greatly appreciate it and I will give you the ten points! Thanks!

Do suns fans want the celtics to beat the grizzlies tonight + BQ?

BQ: how big are the chances for the suns in making it to playoffs? they deserve to be there, and rudy gay being out is a big advantage for them to catch up

What fiction books have a shy main character?

That is truly an excellent question! Unfortunately, I am not entirely sure of the answer, so therefore I wish you the very best of luck in finding it! Hopefully, there will be someone who knows this! Once again, good luck!

Chinese proverbs did they really say these?

They are JOKES, LT, That is why they are on here as funnies and not listed on local public television as doentaries!!!!!! Grow a funny bone.......Awesome jokes Odessa

Lebanese: I would be happy if you answer my question on Solidere and Beirut monuments protection. Plz answer:)?

Did Solidere protect those monuments? How is UNECO reacting when these monuments are discovered? Beirut was named the biggest "chantier archeologique du monde". How do you think a Lebanese immigrant can help protecting those monuments? Do you know of projects that aim to preserve OUR (and not our leaders) archeological sites?

I can not find either one of my parents birth or death on lds. Why? where do i need to look?

Forrest Smith b 9-18-1912 Eddy Okla d-7-15-1946 Tonkawa Okla. Married Perry Okla 6-13-1931 to Georgia Swafford b 9-3-1913 in Anthony Harper Co. Ks d- 9-29-1965. Want their birth,marriage and death records. Thanks. Their Daughter. Judy

Sir Alex Ferguson retiring this year? And who'd replace him?

i think he'll stick around couple of years after giggs and scholes are gone, he'll definitely hand pick his successor. it wont be david moyes after what happened with rooney, it wont be roy keane or mark hughes. keane is too much of a hot head, hughes cant manage egos. as much as i'd like a former united player to take over, its not in the best interests in the club to go sentimental and pick someone like dalglish like liverpool did. maybe solksjaer if hes tenure in norway goes well, even laurent blanc too. if i could pick anyone to replace him now, guus hiddink or pep guardiola.

Do they make wool or wool blend pajamas for my father in law who is always cold?

He is in a skilled care facility and has down comforters and wool blankets but is asking for wool PJ's? He has flannel but says he is still cold. I know part of this is because of circulation as he has congestive heart failure but he is still cold. Any help would be appreciated

Hi,my baby has used johnson soap & oil and it showed side effects.i would like to know what soap we can use?

Actually my baby is 2 month old..we used johnson for quite some time..and suddenly last week..fairness reduced..we see change in skin clour..then we stopped using we are not using any soap.plz guide

Can a woman run out of eggs early?

like if you get your period twice a month or ovulate more than once a month, does that mean you are going to start menopause early??

Earthquakes in Japan?

Japan is very used to earthquakes, they happen just about everyday. Most aren't very big, bit every once in awhile a large earthquake will happen (like the 9.0) and earthquakes/aftershocks will continue to occur for a few months. They should be alright for a long time. Japan's buildings are built to withstand earthquakes so I wouldn't worry too much. Besides, most of the damage was caused by the tsunami, and not the earthquake itself.

Philippines..How can I ship my washer,motorcycle or any hugh stuffs from island to island ?

there are professional movers who can do that for you. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What movei will future look like?

OK, will the near future look more like "Mad Max", "Terminator", or "Waterworld", or "Planet of the Apes"?

I’m 5'3' 162 lbs- goal weight 135-what diet plan should i use?

I'm 17, a jr in high school, I’m 5'3' 162 lbs and my goal weight is 135 lbs… I want to loose at least 10 of it by May 19th [my prom] but I’m having difficulties choosing what diet to go on and my mom wont let me do Atkins dose anyone have any good ideas/diet plans??

7 1/2 weeks pregnant w/light spotting today and bad nausea and some dizziness...?

I have been very nauseous today and a bit dizzy at times. Last time I went to the bathroom, I noticed very light bleeding. The color is light pink (and not steadily occurring). I am not having any cramps or discomfort. I am wondering if it is coinsidental that I am nauseous today w/the spotting, or could this be something to be more concerned about?!

Does vaseline rid Strech marks?

I bought Vaseline cocoa er today... I have lost some weight and got little strechmarks on the thighs. Should I use this or palmers cocoa er for strechmarks?

Thailand in april(getting a tan)?

i'm going to thailand in a couple of weeks, i've heard it should be really hot and being a beach bum am happy about this, however recent weather reports have shown thunderstorms over the last week and look to continue. i'm going for 3 weeks, is there a chance i won't come home tanned? also what is thailand like in april, ive read mixed reviews. i will be going to bangkok, phuket, phi phi island and koh pangnon.

I dreamed of a city or country outside the USA can u help me interpret the meaning of this dream?

For many years of my life part of my dreams come to past. Some things are symbolic others are just exact.I dont usualy dig around for the meaning unless I feel that the dream is like a kind of prophecy. Im having trouble with this one and I feel that it is very important. I fear that something bad is goin to happen somewhere. I dreamed of a country or city called Lyons it was spelled this way in my dream. In the dream bad things were happening in this country that had a direct effect on the USA. The name of this city or country I believe to b the most significant part but other things happened they go as follows..The country would not let me leave to make my flight back to the US. I saw many people of African decent all around me. They were speaking another language and had a different religion than I, im guessing they were Muslim. Something happened on a train such as an explosion, something was happening in the water, and the air. WHR is this place of lyons? I feel they are in danger of terrorist attack.

Hair color/bleaching?

Take this pic to a salon and ask them. Its hard to tell but I think the girl has an oval shaped face to.

What do you think of these girl names?

I personally prefer traditional names. It has become such a trend in the US to name your baby something random (like Gwyneth Paltrow's "Apple") or make up a name "Shalonda", "Keneisha", etc. In the adult working world, those names don't work too well, and I wonder if they even hurt the person's chance to really make something of themselves.

I have a 3 ear old autistic child who is speach delayed....?

i bought him a laerning book for ages 2-3 years of age it only has pictures and a few letters for him to try to trace...i tried to get him to point out the pictures i nthe book after i helped him identified what the are....instead he took his penncil and scrribbled all over the book...i took it for mhim upset that he is not tring to focus...but instead he threw a tantrum.. in which i had him go to his room to calm cna i get him to focus enough to do his work book? how can i avoid sending him to his room since his education is important to me autistic or not i wnat the best for him......

A lil question abt acids in chemistry!!?

can an acid contain oxygen but NOT in a polyatomic ion ?? i mean like...H2SO4...oxygen here is contained in SO4 which is a polyatomic can an acid contain something like Hydrogen a nonmetal and oxygen together?

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Honestly, she stole my wallet and my Social Security number and I need to stop her before my life is ruined.

How do I think my mom!!!!!!!!!?

today is the happyest day of my life. my mom bought me my very own pony! i will call her **sammy** even tho thats not her real name. i dont feel comfortable with u guys knowing where i live! i love **sammy** soo much!! shes a might mare thats only eight months old!! how should i think my mom??

Who should i start this week?

Holmes, Smith, and Manningham. Chris Johnson and Reggie bush but your backs are pretty terrible. Is there any free agents you can pick up?

What software / program can i use to make electrical schemes and drawings, something simple and lightweight?

Well, if you like building things beyond drawings, then you may want to try AutoDesk Inventor series. The only thing is this cost's ALOT OF GREEN (around $1100 base).

How much does a common finch cost?

I was wondering if anyone knew how much a common finch costs. If you also know how much an exotic finch costs and people who sell them that would help! Thanks!

Who was that controversial model who claimed she was muslim?

i REALLY need to know her name. she was a model who wore very provocative clothing and was taken to court for some reason. she then was seen wearing a burkha (ie islamic headscarf). so religious crowds (esp muslims) blamed her for tainting their faith. PLEASE GIVE ANY INFO YOU CAN!


sir aim so thin age is 22 my weight is 35 my also very thin aim looking like a patient i have no problem my health is proper please tell me proper diet everyday i want to take to gain my weight & body

Freestyle dance that's school-appropriate?

So for my dance recital(jazz), we have this one part of the routine where we're allowed to do a freestyle thing to the song Low by Flo Rida. I have no clue, and I'm allowed to do this with 1-2, maybe 3 others... what can I do that's easy AND appropriate for school?

How much should an accountant get paid?

I have worked as an accountant for 10 years doing accounts receivable and accounts payable but I want to make sure Im getting paid the right amount. I might be getting another job and I don't want to get cut short of what I should be making. Thanks

How do you do this question?

What m of Na2CrO4 is required to precipitate all the silver as silver chromate from 75.0 mL of a 0.100 M solution of AgNO3? Write balanced equation, ionic and net ionic equation. Calculate % yeild if only 0.1100 g Ag2CO3 was recovered.


For a newer video card, you have a less powerful processor and less RAM than would be desirable, but long story short it would play

Is it okay to have a china hutch in the living room?

Other things in the room is a fireplace, a big square ottoman, a modern love seat and a rocking chair. Thanks for any suggestions.

Am I hot, and what to change?(pics)Best answer 10 points!?

I would change the eye makeup. The black liner all around the eye is not flattering and it looks like you did a light shadow outside of that? I would use a dark shadow and brush underneath the lower lashes of your eyes and in the crease, getting lighter towards the inner corner.

I have a great pion for singing?!!?

Just go do it on youtube, it might take a little wile but if all those people like you singing then I bet that those viewers will love it. You should get coments, oh and I've heard that famous producers have watched and people from youtube have gone into singing buissness.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why do fundamentalists dislike Catholics so much? Doesn't Catholicism make up at least 1500 years of history?

I think it has to do with how they justify their faith. Tradition is as important as the bible. If you're taking the bible literally, then that's God's word, not tradition. I think that's why fundies have a major beef with catholics.

The JW and Christians...Unbiblical?

First his name isn't Jehovah the given name was Yeshua. The problem with JW is they deny Yeshua. A child shall be given, a son shall be born his name shall be ..... everlasting father. Yeshua created all things He is the fullness of the Godhead made manifest unto us. There are not 3 people but three manifestation of 1 El. Body soul and spirit. The soul is not the body, but it is the person.The body is what holds the spirit and soul. Yeshua was the body which was controlled by the father(soul) and the spirit dwelled in him. REvelatin There is no temple for the Lamb is the candlestick and God is the light. Most Christian doctrines are full of catholic pagan ways. The god of ancient Rome was Dei the same as today> dei is not the El. The ruler of the ancient religion was the pontiff just as today. Constantine never converted his patron when he died was apollo. So most so called doctrines are pagan in origin. Start back at Torah if you want to know the mind of the Maker. Yeshua is the one that was speaking to Moshe on the mountain.

Texans, is Rep. Blake Barenthold real, or is he a creation of the Democratic Party?

A creation to make conservatives look bad? I've seen numerous interviews with this representative, and he seems like he might be a little bit mentally retarded--I mean literally mentally disabled. He is for members of Congress getting paid in the event of a government shutdown too which is nice.

Puma shoes question............?

use ajax, or clorox (you know the powder stuff you clean the bathroom with). just get a wet washcloth and scrub a little bit of that on there...and your white will look like new.

If you work in the airport, do you make good money?

The salary and perks of any employee working in an Airport is definitely very much higher since they are set to international standards !!

Im sick i wanna sleep but i cant hlp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

im sick too and the only thing that is keeping me awake is my cough... i tried to take some drowsing cough meds but its not kicking in fast enough just lay in the bed... and close your eyes

Aston Villa or Delph. Who got the better deal ?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why is everyone saying the GMC Denali is a bad road bike when I see others with it for like 5 years?

If you wanted a REAL road bike, you should have bought a Schwinn Fastback from when they were still available. All gone now. Little over $400 for a 2009 model that sold for over $650 when they first came out.

Why didn't I get hard?

you were never in love with this person there were nothing to hold your attention base on the pic you have painted about her and timing was off she put you on the spot . you are happy now and that is what matter think no more about her put her out of your mind.

Whose hotter. Jen Ledger(Skillet) or Alexia Rodriguez(Eyes Set To Kill)?

That's a hard one but I'm going to have to go with my latina babe Alexia plus her band isn't All religious. not that its a bad thing.

What will i be cled as?

you sound like a mix of everytihng. but dnt worry about that. america isnt as mean as it sounds. u will fit in jst fine.

I got a mail from Msn/Yahoo Corporation as telling U win $ 150,000 is this a true?

Its a fake dear.. dont believe that and dont follow their instructions.. be safe.. its a way of tracing us for their purposes...

Need help on a trade?

I am typically not a fan of the combo. It is too high risk. I like to diversify a bit because in my experience it is not feat or famine and it balances out your team on a week to week basis. On the other hand, the Broncos have looked good against their division so far, and if you get a repeat of the chargers and raiders games, and those games are in key weeks for you, I would do this in a heartbeat.


Look up Gull Island, Alaska. enough oil there to last the US for 200 years, on its own. Oil companys that own the land wont drill it till oil is 150 per barrel though. Sounds like this place might be a scam.

Monta Ellis says he is better than Lebron James, what is your opinion?

a href=";_ylt=AnjRDj2YyDn_jHicz9WuDRa8vLYF?slug=mc-afterthebuzzer032610";_ylt=An…/a

Does you baby do this too?

my baby is 8 weeks old. ever since he was born only about 4 times has he actually taken himself off my after feeding. every other time he has allen asleep or just ate and ate and ate. it is kind of driving me crazy because most of the time i have to feed him for 2 hours non stop or he cries. it isn't him wanting to comfort suck because he won't take any pacifiers or anything. he seems to be always hungry and he is such a little piglet at 12 pounds. i really don't know what to do with his inconsolable hunger. does anyone have or has anyone had this problem? what have you done about it?

Need poems with activity...?

One activity children never tire of is acting. Choose several very short poems and have the children act them out in front of the cl. Choose poems with about 3 or 4 characters so that everyone has a chance to act in front of the audience. At first, you should read the poem aloud while the children work out the action, then let them add their own words to the action. It doesn't matter to them that another group has done the same skit; each group will be happy to enact the same story again. Children of this age love repitition. Trust me.

What are good horror movies for me to watch?

okay i am freak out by a lot of gore and stuff like saw i tried 2 watch it when it first came out i was 8 though i could sit through it can someone tell me good horror movies to watch.... im not afraid of seven or any friday the 13ths at all so i need good horror movie that aren't as gory or gorier than saw (PLEASE HELP ME!)

I own a motorola Rzr phone. fell asleep with one cell left. I awoke,my phone's off.and it stayed off. Need hlp?

I think you need a new one hun. The same exact thing happened to me. I just bought a new phone at you should go there to look for a new phone..Hope I helped atleast a little :/

Energy conservation and bomb explosion?

If a bomb explodes, is linear momentum conserved or kinetic energy conserved? Or is some other kind of energy conserved? I'm confused.

The three most intellectual sign..?

My Sun sign is Libra, Rising in Virgo, Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Scorpio.....Let's just say that I am well fit at doing my job - being a Scientist!

Do People Trust What Obama Says Or Court Testimony ?

Yeah. And this whole "theory of gravity" thing is really getting to me as well. I think the American public has been duped by the politicians into thinking that they can't fly. Come on people, wake up! You're all sheep! Don't believe what your physics professor tells you! Just get up and fly!

Do you agree with Al Gore that Saddam did have WMD's and housed many terrorists?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Chevrolet astro 1991?

i have a tiny leakage in AC that i must recharge the gas every 2 months and i do not know how can i find the place of this small leakage ? do you think it is better to change my car with dodge caravan 2007 or keep my chevrolet astro ? which one is better for a family and for maitenance

Why are the british seen as bad rulers of india?

the british did a lot of good things to india. They were a lot more tolerant than the mongols and mughals. They built roads in your country and were very tolerant to your hindu customs. Quit complaining about the british. they were the only people who kept india-pakistan-sri lanka-bangledesh etc. together. They were very good rulers adn nonviolently ceded power to the indian people.

Why should this boy cry in my book?

He doesn't just cry because of the pain. He cries because his father betrayed him and his friend doesn't help him. He feels so lonely and hollow.

Is diss normal?

well i like evryting that a guy likes i like football , wwe i dont like doing girly things buh i dress like a girl girl buh still like wat guys like i love watching murder stuff on tv nd dont get scared i luv it wen i c blood . i friends say that i have a guys personlity iss diss tru. i just cant help it im into everyting a guy likes urgggggggg

I feel like I have been a loser till now , in my life ??? please help ... I am 20 yr old Male?

i feel the same way. except im 19 finishing up my senior year of high school. had a car accident that backed me up for a while. but im planning on joining the military. maybe you should look into something like that?

So if i get samsung eternity ( PDA phone) i HAVE to pay 20 bucks every month for the internet plan?

depends on your carrier. AT&T might require it for a few months to get the rebate but it is not required just to use the phone

What are 5 examples of a paradox?

going back in time and killing your father before you are born would be an expample of a time paradox

Do you think this computer will run The Sims 3?

If you don't have the hard drive space, then you don't even have room for the files to install it! Some games will let you run with less RAM, and you need hard drive storage to store things.

My stepmom and dad are pissed at my mom cause she is a little behind on child support and im tired of it.?

i know its none of my business but i think im old enough to know about it (im 15). i just moved to live with my dad and stepmom. my dad makes over 50k and my stepmom makes over 130k. my mom on the other hand is single, handicapped (not extremely), and only makes 35k a year. my mom has been having to pay $400 a month (child support) and is $200 behind in payments. my stepmom and dad are mad that she cant keep up with the payments! im extremely aggrivated that they make all this money and they expect my mom to be rolling in dough! my stepmom even stated at one point that she needed that money to have enough to keep me! wtf! i believe that a family making over 180k a year can support a teen! i mean come on! im thinking of moving back to my mothers after this year but after i heard that, i want to move back even more! i just dont understand why they act like they need the money. my dad used to be behind on payments all the time so why cant they cut my mom some slack? geez im so frusrated!

Thought! Make money with creditcard credit? Maybe?

I had an idea all these credit cards you can get and have thousands of dollars in credit at your disposal, there has to be something you could buy with all that credit and turn around and sell it again and make sure the card gets paid off in 30 days to miss the interest, and use the credit card companys money to make money with somehow? just a thought!

Why are we like this? First I (WE?) hated Murray, but now after seeing him upset like that, I like him?

Well, I didn't hate him. But I did feel for him when he lost. It must be extremely disappointing when you can't do it on the big day. Just shows how much he cared about it. As a Federer fan, I can empathize a bit on how he would have felt. He'll get over it though.

Friday, August 12, 2011

People who really reaLLY need God?

I'm agnostic. I don't trash or attack anyones religion, I just don't know. People say "my life was turned around when I accepted Jesus" or "Allah's will must prevail" or "the way of Buddah brings enlightenment" but truthfully, I don't see any difference in the way people live. I don't see supernatural help, I don't see a blueprint to get to Heaven, or even a reasonable indication that there is such a place. I don't see anyones life on earth made easier, just no difference whatever path you follow. What do I do if I just can't beleive? Them I'm told I don't beleive hard enough. How does one believe harder?

What was the whole thing with OJ?

OJ had a dream team defense which cost over 20 million dollars to fight and defend. There was quite a bit of evidence that the jury was not allowed to know about. Here is the full story of the trial: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How can i use reverse look up for phone calls for free?

i want to find out who sent a very strange tex to my cell phone, i dont think i should have to pay for it.and r these places secure.

Would you reccomend getting a Samsung BlackJack 2?

yes i would its a very good phone if i didnt have the iPhone I would of got the black jack 2. They have a phone just like it with a touch screen called the epix

Name of a song ? Very old song.?

Starts of with a saxophone intro, dance type song (very old, maybe 10-15 years) then into synthesized keyboard.....not the utah saints song...not very helpful i know, but i think it was from dj sammy/happy or something, really cant remember. Thanks heaps if someone works this out.

Why has Bill Gates built a "Doomsday Vault" in the Arctic?

What possible world scenario has Billy Gates got in mind, where we might need a selection of three million GM patented seeds containing terminator genes to be used? Is there any connection with the fact that the humble honey bee could be extinct within ten years as UK scientists have forecast?

Best friend and I fell in love with each other?

We've been friends for nearly 2 years, but now it's not so platonic. We both know it's like this, but we haven't directly talked about it and I want to. I feel scared, tho, and I don't know why. What do I say to him? THANKS (junior and senior in hs)

Skittle shots, gummy bears, and jolly rancher shots?

For jolly rancher i would use 1 oz. vodka, 1/2 oz. pucker and 1/2 oz of sprite. Check for good drink recipes.

Ladies who have got their BFPs lately?

I am 10 weeks with my fourth pregnancy right now. I noticed that with all of my pregnancies I conceived when I was under very little stress and was eating healthier. I was also eating and drinking more things that contained folic acid. With my second and third, I had used ovulation predictors. I was able to tell when I would be around the time of ovulation so my husband and I would have the day I got a positve on the predictor and for the next couple days after that. We tried spacing our times out at almost a full day so his sperm count wasn't too low. I don't know if this information is helpful but it worked for me.

Rate my deck (yugioh)?

Looks pretty good to me. like you say, you don't have many traps which i'd say is the only downfall. 8/10

Marijuana smokers?

hi fellow potheads if any read these forums i need some help. i bought a little bit of purple haze and want to put it into a blunt but dont have enough to make it nice and fat like i want. will adding green bud to the blunt with the haze do anything to screw up the purple haze or will it be just as good? ty

Help! trying to get to school with amtrak?

Never taken that route, but have taken Amtrak. Amtrak is a great experience, very relaxing...not something you want to do if you're in a rush. On top of any scheduled delays there are often UNscheduled delays...but a relaxing way to travel and see the country. If you plan on taking it across the country, plan on it being a long trip! As far as killing can always check out what there is to do in the town in which you'll be delayed, bring good books, etc...

Terrified of for the first time?

You should only have if you are ready to have . To be honest you sound like you are not ready!! Remind him that you are still new to all this and say you don't feel ready. If he's genuine then he'll agree and wait for you but if he goes mad and unreasonable then you'll know he wasn't the one :)

Is it fair to balme Islam or is it the violent who bring dishonour to Islam?

Even before the advent of Islam Monophysite followers of Disocorus lynched the orthodox bishop Proterius in Alexandria (455 AD). Could it be just that certain people will seek violence wheteher isman exists or nt, and they will find any religious excuse or otherwise? Forgiven mine baad the Engliish please

Dark circles under eyes?

ive had them for quite a while now. i sleep regularly 7-8 hours a day. i am athletic, i work out and eat well and am on schools football team. ( starter on O and D if youd like to know:]). yeah so it doesnt bother me much but i was wonderin if theres a way to reduce them of get rid of them completely. it hasn't always been like this so it cant be hereditary. please help and dont say concealer cuz im not gona try and go gay gay gay.

Can you rate my fantasy basketball team?

You have a good all-around team. Good call on Kaman too. He's a good value center.I would probably start Mike Miller over Randolph though. He's not playing very well right now and Miller is going to be the 6th man on a very potent offense. Look for him to get a lot of open looks when he's on the court with Wade, LBJ and Bosh. Your team can rebound, block shots, shoot the 3, have a high shooting %, have a high FT %, steal the ball and aren't very turnover prone. I'd say the only category you're lacking in is ists, but that's not that big of a deal because Curry and Parker will at least give you a chance to win that category. The only thing I'll knock is the drafting of Randolph, but only because you probably had to draft him in the 6th or 7th round, which is a little too high for him considering the fact that he's not going to start. If you got in the 10th or later rounds, then I take that back. 8/10 and probably a lock to make the playoffs barring no major injuries.

Computer Geniuses PLEASEE HELP!!!! 911?

On an XP reinstall (repair) I get promted for eabusb.sys. I cannot find thefile anywhere. It is rarely referenced on the Internet and HP states that itis not one of their files.

Best Value Video card for gaming?

GeForce 7600 GT is a high rated card. You may have issues with your PSU or your drivers. You need at least 500 watts with that system.

Is an older guy too dangerous at 16?

Hunny, don't ociate yourself with this man, he's way too old for you. 18 maybe, but 22? I really wouldn't want my girl-friends going with a 22 year old. They're 16 as well. It just.... looks bad at all angles. It makes the guy look like a creep and it makes you look like a.... well I really regret saying this, but it makes you look like a slut. I highly disapprove of this. And to top it off, he does act quite strange. I'd be on the look-out for any more strange behavior. But otherwise, I wouldn't continue with this man.

Why is my two month old son always hungry?

Sounds like a growth spurt. My son will eat more than normal (sometimes double his normal amount) during each growth spurt - and more frequently (we're in one right now). I started adding oatmeal cereal to his bottles to help fill him up. But not all babies can tolerate it - so be sure to talk to your son's doc before doing so. After my son goes through his "eating frenzy" he will go through a couple days of almost constant sleeping....then the growth spurt is over (for him at least). But keep in mind that every baby is different (I know it's hard to not compare).....your son's sleep schedule will improve eventually. Babies will stop eating when they are no longer hungry - so you can't overfeed your baby.

Why would the U.S. want Pakistan to be close to China?!!?

If we leave , and we should. Who care what they do. I for one am sick of paying bribe money to any nation, were in Debt up to our ***, why stay another day. Let those people police themselves or bomb them to hell , if they keep exporting terror. The USA should put it fat nose back in the USA , where it belongs.

How long does thawed out shrimp last when frozen prior?

I got some fresh frozen shrimp, sealed up in plastic container, left it out on my kitch table for about day,is it still good?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How can I use iMac webcam to take photos of myself?

I want to take a few full-length photos of myself (without using my camera and bathroom mirror). Photo booth has a 3 2 1 countdown when you take a picture. Is there anyway to delay this a few seconds more to pose? Or are there any other programs you can download that will do like a series of shots so I don't have to keep running to the computer to click a photo?

Sleep paralysis? demon? lucid dream?

I have had a dream where it felt real. I saw a spike through my abdomen on the side and felt it for real. anyways, it sounds like you are frightened and things can easily overpower you or you are overpowered and you feel like you cannot talk about it or solve it.

Lawnmower bag pipe gets stuck-Help?

I have a yard-works lawnmower 15hp and the pipe leading to the bags in the back always gets stuck on a certain gr, the gr is taller and thick. The gr gets stuck in the beginning. What should I do, I have the factory blades which I sharpen monthly, Two bagger

Looking for the name of a Waylon Jennings song.?

Part of the lyrics are something like " Baby go down to the drug store, buy me a guitar string. Don't forgot your coat, girl cause it might rain. Honey you know that rain is bad for my guitar string......"

Sometimes I find it so hard to love my wife?

First, let me say I think I found my soul mate. My wife and I are similar in every way and seldom have disagreements. However, our problems lie in the bedroom. We've been married for 10 years and I'm hung like such a horse that she can still only fit 63% of my big ol' wiener in her . Whats worse is that her mouth lacks the cirference to give me oral pleasures. I still love her, but it there anything we can do to get past this road block?

I was picked to go on the Judge Judy show, can i still sue?

Nov 1, my son was hit by a drunk driver totalling out his car. we have not had a car for him since. we have to share one. She did not have Ins. I applied to go on Judge Judy. But, we just got a letter in the mail, that were going to get 5,764. for restitution . Don't know how long its going to take, we owe on the car and we don't have good enough credit and I don't work to buy another so we are still out of a car. He was out of work due to back pain for 2 weeks. we were only going to get 900. but due to no ins. it was 5764. She also has 4600. in court fees. Can we still go on Judge Judy for pain in suffering. Not sure how this works with the court thing, what if she don't pay? any advice on this would help. There was also another boy that was in the car and nothing for him. My son now has 472. for fees to school he couldn't catch up that he has to pay. Its been a mess and hard all around on all of us and she, she is still driving which she is not too. and has a car and her life as ours is been interrupted. not fair.

Avast "Malware was found!" type: rootkit?

it says that its a malware try running a href="" rel="nofollow" its free and should fix your problem

How are mathematical proposition's true - what doctrine do you ent to?

I subscribe to the pragmatic theory of truth, which basically says "if it works, it's true". Our entire world functions with math as its backbone, to count money, to tell time, to make your computer work, etc. Since the world isn't falling apart, we can conclude pretty confidently that math works, and therefore it is true. Whether this truth has any foundation in reality is not important.

What is a Constitional Monarchy?

A consitutional monarchy is a system of government whereby the king or queen is the head of state, but the country is governed by a parliamentary system, usually headed by a Prime Minister. In an absolute monarchy, all political power resided with the monarch, who is not bound by the constitution.

Tricksters and tempters?

Some would say that our conscience is a battle ground between good and evil others would say that our inner selves good or bad will always shine through. Again some would say that there is a big physiological process.

Menopause Nightmares?

I did not experience any nightmares related to menopause. However, I think the sleeping pills are probably the cause of the problem. They cause me to have all kinds of weird dreams.

It feels like my mom is throwing everything reminding her of my dad away including me?

Can you remember new love? She is in the honey moon period of the relationship. Wait until his lack of employment and other little habits start to annoy her. I bet it won't be long. He sounds like a real loser. Where is your Dad? I would spend time with him and try not to think about her if I were you.

Why does 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 say God will destroy those who do not know him?

8�in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. 9�These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength,

Do you think this statement can apply to almost all Christians....?

i think the stamtent is correct, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't offend some people in denial of reality. BTW I agree with Ghandi's statement and I am a believer of Jesus' teachings, and sometimes that statement applies the most to me.

Menstruation cycle a "natural" process? How do diff. nationalities - ethnic groups and religions look at it?

i guess because it's ociated with childbearing some people think of it as a gift! for those of us who don't want children and who suffer incredible pain and exhaustion every month it's most definitely an affliction.

The NEW BECK ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

i read in rolling stone that the new beck album (modern guilt) is probably comming out next month. is there a deffinate way to find out? is there an official date set yet? where do you think i could reserve it? BECK MAN! IM SO ****** STOKED!!!!

Where can I find basic information on Syria?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

We are trying for a baby. i am 39. Last month i did a test and it said i was preg.I bleed very bad for two day

this time no preg.four wk 5 days ped i did another test.again no preg.I have seen the doc and he did a test and sent to the hospital. he said if it comes back not preg he will do all the tests to see what is wrong.but the main one he said that has realy worred me is that he will do a menopause test.has anyone out there had this happen to them. And plz tell me i am not going though the menopause.I have two kids to my first husband. But none to hubby now.and we both are trying so hard.he has one child to first wife.

Physics help PLEASE!!!!?

A star in our galaxy, Sirius A, is 8.80 light-years away. That is, it takes 8.80 years for the light it emits to reach Earth. How far away is it in meters? Do not enter unit.

Why oh why won't the rail networks enforce cl dividing carriages?

I mean i had to go into London the other day (roads to busy to take the Rolls) so i booked a first cl ticket with Virgin Rail, you can imagine my horror when i found myself sharing the compartment with a bloody oik who was middle cl at best but could even have been working cl. I am as into equality as the next man but when one has to share ones quarters with riff raff then surely the bally country has gone to the dogs, next the great unwashed will be farting in the palaces of the mighty........what should we do about this damned state of affairs

What is the march on the salt depot supposed to prove? Ghandi!!!?

Gandhi led his followers in the Non-cooperation movement that protested the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 km (240 mi) Dandi Salt March in 1930. It was a campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial India. Mahatma Gandhi led the Dandi march from his Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi, Gujarat to produce salt without paying the tax, with growing numbers of Indians joining him along the way. When Gandhi broke the salt laws in Dandi at the conclusion of the march on April 6, 1930, it sparked large scale acts of civil disobedience against the British Raj salt laws by millions of Indians. The Salt Satyagraha campaign was based upon Gandhi's principles of nonviolent protest called satyagraha, which he loosely translated as "truth-force.

Why should I vote no on Proposition 7 in California?

How could what it proposes be a bad thing? California Proposition 7, would, if approved, require California utilities to procure half of their power from renewable resources by 2025. In order to make that goal, levels of production of solar, wind and other renewable energy resources will more than quadruple from their current output of 10.9%. It will also require California utilities to increase their purchase of electricity generated from renewable resources by 2% annually to meet Renewable Portfolio Standard requirements of 40% in 2020 and 50% in 2025. Current law AB32 requires an RPS of 20% by 2010.

I've been away from Wrestling for a while now...How did Shawn Michaels end up working for JBL?

Storyline is that HBK went broke, lost it all in the Market. He needed a job and JBL hired HBK to ensure that JBL gets the title belt. It didn't work out for JBL, now it's JBL and HBK at No Way Out.

Ap euro , NEED HELP !! easy pointss?

The printing press reduced the authority of the catholic church because it allowed regular people to have a bible. Before this, bibles were very expensive and the only access to biblical knowledge was what the church chose to read in church. (Even that was Latin which people did not speak so the interpretation in the sermon what the knowledge people had.)

Clomid - What should I Expect?

hi i am on round 5 of clomid, and 150mg, the only side effects i had were hot and cold flushes normally after the tablets have finished, moodness, sometimes quieter then normal. I hope this help, baby to you

Who do you expect to win Friday's (10/10/08) match, Alfaisaly or Wehdat?

Tomorrow, Friday 10/10/08, there will be the Jordanian soccer derby match between Alfaisaly and Alwehdat. Who do you think will win?

Please help me cut down my english paper!??

I know that, to you, every detail is important, but you could probably cut out some of the details. Some phrases can be reduced to one or two "pigs dangled from their legs as workers ate lunch" instead of "pigs were left dangling by one leg while workers went on their lunch break."

My dog is acting weird? please help =(?

Well her name is Roxy, 6 years old, Bearded Collie and shes been acting weird lately... she wakes up yelping all the time and just isn't herself... She's been quite and isn't as happy as usual...she doesn't jump on us when we come home anymore...I'm really worried. Is she depressed or did she hurt her body in any way. Please help.=/ p.s. she sometimes just sits outside really quietly...weird and yelps when she tries to get inside

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How come Jesus was not a Vegetarian?

I do not think Jesus was as good of a person that they say he was, if he was then he would have been a Vegetarian, I like Paul MCCartney and Gandhi more then Jesus because they were Vegetarians

Does anybody have a picture of a long finned black skirt tetra pregnant?

I'm not sure if it's pregnant, sick with Neon Tetra Disease, or if I'm just seeing things. Are there any pictures of a long finned black skirt tetra pregnant?

How has art has changed?

In other words compare and contrast from the Giza Pyramids to the Leaning Tower of Pisa to Micheal Angelo to Leonardo Da Vinci to Vincent Van Gough to Frida to Diego Rivera and new ones like Maya Lin, Kiki Smith etc.

Will my hair dye keep rinsing out?

I recently dyed my hair black and it took FOREVER for the extra dye to rinse out, so I did like you, I just kinda quit and did the conditioner. The water for your next couple of washes will be a little tinted, but nothing serious. It normal when you dye your hair really dark.

Thawed fish sticks OK to eat?

Bought frozen fish sticks yesterday. (The typical pre-cooked breaded kind.) Bag got misplaced, and they sat on the floor overnight. This morning they still felt cold. Put them in the fridge. Okay to cook and eat now?

Party weekend?

Me and my friends are planning a weekend roadtrip somewhere for a big nite out!! Can't decide between Leeds, Manchester or Birmingham - where's best / cheapest to go out / stay? There's boys and girls, we're all 22 / 23 - any suggestions??

Please help i'm so desperate?

I'm in love with a girl who is dating one of my best friends... they are on the brink of breaking up and she is asking me if they should break up or not... what do i say? what do i do?

If You Could Be Any Animal in the World..........What Would It Be?

I would say a chimpanzee... we had one who hung around our camp in the jungle in Borneo and he used to steal beer and cigarettes off us...he also used to lay back and listen to music with us.... he had a pretty cool life

What could i wear with these boots?

those are very cute. and it depends what color jeans. if the jeans are dark, dont wear a black cardigan, if they are light jeans its perfectly fine. and who says u cant mix black and brown lol?

Why do some men get~~?

Jealous over a woman having a platonic friendship with a man~~? This has happened to me more than once now and I feel like crying.

Who has been in your pj's all day long?

Not me, I've been working today, on days I'm not working I often stay on Y!A in my dressing gown until 11am. I could make a career out of being lazy.

Official Piano Sheet Music for Bella's Lullaby - TWILIGHT? [free]?

Do you know where I can get the sheet music for this song "Bella's Lullaby" from the new Twilight soundtrack? I would like it for piano, please. And it's the one by... Carter Burwell. If you can let me know where I can get ahold of it for free online, that'd be great :) Thanks!

Can anyone name 3 Reasons why Rudy Giuliani is a good leader?

I could`nt have imagined any other person as Mayor during 9-11 he made America proud again aswell as making sure the fallen were not forgottenandsurvivors taken care of not to mention pouring millions of his own dollars into charities thus pushing his rich friends to do the same, Last I heard Rudy was responsible for close to a Billion dollars of generated funds given to help the people affected by 9-11.

What is the lightest liquid foundation?

The lightest makeup around that I have found that still gives you a little coverage is Almay they have a product called smart shade makeup. It's very very easy to use and does leave your skin feeling lovely and has an SPF of 15 so it protects your skin too.

Will the Oakland Raiders ever go back to the their winning ways? i mean the team has talent?

should they get a new qb for there future? i dont think so cause i just saw what JaMarcus Russell did against the broncos

Hows my team looking?

You have Great WRs, Average at RB, Palmers hurt(again). Was Jon Beason the best you could get? Do return yards count in this league. If they do, you are screwed.

Does HCFCs cause ozone depletion as well?

Yes, but not as much. They are also being phased out in favor of HFC's which contain no chlorine and so do not deplete ozone.

HELPP! I can't stop eating the whole week before my period! It's sooo bad!?

Hormones, baby....hormones! You need to stop and realize what you are doing and go do something else - read, listen to music, talk on the phone, jog in place, walk a treadmill, etc. Besides that, it's cold and it is the body's way of dealing with the cold - insulate with fat! Seriously, in the day of the cavemen, this is what would happen; much like a bear putting on the winter weight before hibernating. It's ingrained.

Xfi Buzzing Noise?

I have an Xfi soundcard (Xtreme Gamer)and I have a lot of trouble with a bleeding noise through either my headphones or speakers!!!.. Yes Im a Musician and Ive tried connecting to the white plug In the back with 2 different mics and ok I dont get the buzz, but really low sound and have to hold Mic close even If I raise the volume. Still when I plug into the front/side panel I plug In my microphone, I speak a little and boom, that really horrid (Ear Bleeding Noise) happens to re-appear no matter of the tone or volume of my voice!, If I lower the mic volume from within the Gamer mode/Audio creation mode everything seems to be fine, but still cant hear much comming from the speakers, ive tried upgrading drivers/bios, move soundcard to new PCI slot, no success, can anyone tell me the sollution to all my woes... Why Is It buzzing like this?, would appreaciate any knowledgeable person to answer this, thank you all!.

When is the art of crochet out?

Hey I bought this magazine "the art of crochet" issue 1 last week. It says on the may that it's released each week but it has been 2 weeks and still no sign! Does anyone know when the second one comes out or even what day it's out?

Week 11 Start or sit Question Fantasy Football?

im gonna speak for everyone who plays in real fantasy on earth did you get chris johnson, marion barber, adrian peterson, and thomas jones on the same team? are you in a 2 man league? are you in a 8 teams league and you are in control of all 8 teams? Or the last option you're playing with a bunch of dumbes. Quit playin rookie and switch to all madden, then speak up only when have an educated question. rookie

Actresses you think look like Marilyn Monroe?

Katherine Heigl, Britney Spears, Drew Barrymore, Scarlet Johansen, Christina Hendricks kind of all look like Marilyn to me.

My playstation network account? help?

okay my other ps3 had a system failure boo hoo everything was ruined but i moved on and im buying another one but from my brother's friend. if i want to sign on to the playstation account i used for my broken ps3 onto the ps3 im about to buy will it work since someone else used it? lik will i have to deactivate any accounts or anything for games demos and video downloads?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How Much Faster Will My Computer Go?

it will noticeable when you start new program, they will launch faster, less lagging especially in after effect.... cant say much about gamming though (since mobile graphic card is never that great)

Has Bon Jovi ever played live with Bryan Addams?

I couldn't find anything about it, but I just wanted to comment and say is "John M" (the guy above me) crazy?! Who doesn't know who Bryan Adams is?!

Is a 152 on the PSAT really that bad?

We got our PSAT scores back today (I'm a junior) and I got a 152. I thought it was alright, until I started talking to more people, who all got 180+. They've all taken the sat too, and I haven't. I know I'm not stupid, but everyone else seems so SMART! and to top it off, my mom is all "well you shouldve taken a PSAT cl!". Yeah, my PSAT score was high enough to take a certian cl at my school, and she threw away all the paperwork alon with my acceptance letter to the cl. So, could I have any chance of getting into college?

Who else hates Mythbusters?

I like the whole concept of the show, but I HATE that it turned into the Big Explosion Show. When they're trying to bust a myth, they don't stop until something blows up, even if it has nothing to do with the myth. And they change things in the scenario until it's more likely to cause an explosion, with a complete disregard for the original question. For example, they were trying to find out if it's possible for a child to be pushed so hard on a swing that they actually go over the bar. so they put a child doll on a swing and push as hard as they can and nothing happens. So they say well maybe it needs more weight. So they put an adult doll on the swing, already straying from the myth, and push and nothing happens. well maybe we're not strong enough they think so they call some huge biker guys and tell them to push the doll. so now they're not even proving anything about the myth, they're just changing things around until it does what they want. They do this EVERY time, & it annoys me.

URGENT EXAM! Thermodynamics? difference between Enthalpy and Internal Energy?

Internal energy is the sum of all the forms of energy possessed by the molecules of that body. And the enthalpy means the stored heat energy.....

How is my fantasy football team?

It's a pretty decent team but I would suggest finding other WR (you are a little weak at that position). Another suggestion would be to drop Vince Young. Perhaps Jason Campbell is a better option at this spot?

What is the story about Cadbury, Hershey's and Kraft food?

Okay, I heard in the news that Cadbury was facing a hostile take over by one or the other company cited above, though I did not catch the whole what is it about?

Is there any college level books that you guys recommend for me to read?

any ind of book will do any genre i will read anything!!! just has to be interesting and captivating

Bernard Berrian or Tim Hightower?

They have announced in the past ten minutes that Berrian will play. Hightower is a terrible backup, while Berrian is a not 100% decent WR. Neither are particularly good plays, but I would take Berrian.

Kinematics help?

A car travelling at 60 km/hr overtakes another car travelling at 42km/hr.uming each car to be 5.0m long,find the time taken during the overtake and the total road distance used for the overtake.How do you do this?

Soccer themed way to ask a guy to sadies?

im helping my best friend think of an idea to ask this guy to sadies! (: i have some cute ideas, but she really want it to be a soccer related idea, since his life is soccer ! any ideas? THANK YOUU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL THAT HELP (:

How do i repair my stun / tazer gun?

Its a 100,000 killavolt model, cheetah, it just makes the zapping noise inside of the aparatus, instead of firing from the probes. Please Help!

Science topics homework help !?

this section is about Air Pollution and stufff. and there's this crossword puzzle which i've got down. EXCEPT 2 down and 3 down. 3 down has 8 spaces, it asks " Humid air from ________ can deposit acids deep inside your lungs". and 2 down has 10 spaces and asks " __________ can absorb air pollutants directly through their skin". please and thankyou ! (:

What speach program do national rail or other uk train companys use?

There is an article in the current edition of Railway Magazine about a trip taken by a guy using a North West Rail Rover. He said the only thing that spoiled his trip was the ghastly plummy accents of all the station announcers! The won;t use a program as such, the announcements are prerecorded, probably using some one who has had 'elocution lessons'

Why should we continue with space exploration?

This planet is finite in living space, resources such as Iron, Aluminum, etc, and in a billion years, we won't be able to live here anymore no matter how well we take care of the environment. We may have to find a new home much sooner than that. If the need does arrive quickly, I prefer to already have some experience navigating and working in outer space. Also, if we manage to have self sustaining colonies on Mars, the Moon or a space station, it is good insurance to continue the human race in the event of a comet striking the earth, or some other global catastrophe.

Need Help . . Hydrangeas in an outdoor wedding???

I am getting married outdoors in mid-June 2008 in Central Washington. The temperture is projected to be in the 80s-90s in the late afternoon and evening. Everyone keeps telling me that my choice of hydrangeas is not going to work because they are going to wilt before the wedding is over, even if I keep them in water. Does anyone have experience with this flower? Is this true? If it is, any suggestions for a cornflower-lightblue flower instead? Thanks!

How to make friends in high school?

Well, start talking about your favorite music. You also can ask people questions about themselves, people love to talk about theirselves! Just be really nice, and try not to be so shy. I was a shy girl in school, and people mistakenly thought that I was just being snobby. Oh, and never ever ever say anything bad about anyone, even if you're telling it to a close friend. That stuff has a way of biting you on your a$$. Good luck, and just have fun!

Do marines really believe they're better then everyone else?

I'm reading through some these answers trying to get some non bias answers about all us military branches, and every time there is a marine saying they are better then anything that breaths air. What do they teach marines in marine training to think that they are better then a Navy SEAL with over a year of intense training, a Green Beret with 2 years of intense HALO and language training, a ranger or air force PJ with months of airborne training? Is the 13 weeks of marine training better then that? If the marines are so good why so we need all the other special forces. Please i need some bias and non biased answers

Exactly why are we in Iraq?

I have friends from Iraq who now lives in Australia and who is a Christian. The life her family lived was so horrible under Saddam it still gives me nightmare's thinking about her stories. There family was so happy when Bush decided to go into Iraq (she jumped around the room crying). We don't live over there so we all lucky enough not to be expose to the horrible action of saddam and his followers. My friend had 5 brothers and sisters, she now has 1 left. Her brothers and sisters died in front of her. All killed as a result of not following Saddams rules. Saddam supported Terrorism thats one of the reasons we are over there. Giving people like my friend and her family FREEDOM.

This trade has been proposed to me. Is it worth it?

offer him the trade but instead of aramis get a OF because your weak there, if not accepted then i'd take it and move aramis to 3B and try to trade chipper.

Atkins Diet?

Im pretty sure excersize is always recommended. Im not sure how much weight you would lose it depends how well you stick to the diet. I really wouldnt recommend the diet i heard its dangerous because it can give you high cholesterol and even heart disease from eating so much fat. Its not really the safest diet.

If we are creating CFC's den why d whole of ozone is in polesif we are creating CFC's den why d whole of ozone?

Have you any idea what you are talking about? Because I don't. It would help if you could learn to speak (and write) in English.

Can I win the LA shonen jump with this deck?

It may or may not, you know theres gonnna be abunch of deck similar to yours, everyone most likely will have an = chance, a little better advantage here an dthere but yeah, tournament are usuallly just a bunch of tier and anti metal decks, you better have a good side deck for LS, blackwings, gladiator beast, skill drain, oppression and others, Wouldnt hurt to fill up your extra deck, get brionic and such

Why are Christians always umed to be dumb whilst atheists are made out to be really dumb?

A Christian guy I know took higher level double science and recieved an A star on it, is a regular reader of new scientist, takes part in many science competitions and I believe he is studying chemistry at university, and yes is part of a local evangelical church, so does he fit into your definition of "dumb?"

What's your nba 2k9 teams?

making a new one right now in a draft so far i have wade and tyson chandler hoping on getting prince and chalmers

What will happen if i keep eating like this?

everyday i go to bed around 12-1am, then i wake up at 8 for school, dont eat breakfast or lunch, on the odd occasion i will have half a sandwich. then at last recess around 230 i have a cookie. then when i get home i have dinner around 5 or 6. sometimes i nibble after that but usually not. i play alot of sports so i usually work off all the calories i eat in a day. what will happen if i keep eating like this? i'm really just not hungry anymore..

Can someone recommend a few books for a 17 year old to read?

Anything by Nicholas Sparks is fabulous! If you enjoy the clics...check out books written by Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, or Virginia Woolf. Also, Philippa Gregory has written some great novels, you've probably heard of "The Other Boelyn Girl." If you have yet to read some of her novels, get to it!

How do you get a table for two on Carnival Cruise?

My boyfriend and I are going cruising in January of 2010 on the Triumph and we would prefer to have a romantic dining experience. Do you have any tips on how to score a table for two?

Considering how your so-called "hero" Bryan Mills from the movie TAKEN killed a defenseless man in the movie,.?

if he didnt kill him that guy would have told his leaders and they would have killed his daughter or sent millions of guys to kill him from a distance or something. do you think about anything at all instead of jumping to conclusions? your such a dumb ignorant troll

Has (Y)Answers influenced who you are voting for?

Not one bit, I read an interview with Senator Obama about 2 weeks before the Wright story broke that showed me he was leaning towards racism, I knew then I had made the right choice to remain on the right. or at least as far right as possible this election. McCain 08.

Whats going on with my body?

hmm. it might just be cuz your about to get your period. but they also sound like symptoms of pregnancy. if you and your boyfriend have been doing any other things besides kissing i sujjest getting a prego. test.

Im feeling better but i still have a wheeze and a bit of a cough?

I had bronchitis for about 3 days and im feelin better now but the doctor told me to finish all of my prescribed pills so if i stop taking them will it come back again or will it be fine?

Where to snowboard in Atlanta, Georgia?!?!?!?

i really want to become a snowboarder. However, i live in the ATL which never gets snow high enough and barely has any mountains. But i still want my goal to live on and need your help! please help and dont tell me to move anywhere because i have been living in georgia for more than 13 years and anyways my parents will bite my head off.I heard that there is an indoor snowboarding place in atlanta but dont know the name. PLEASE PLEASE help me! thank you

How should I know if the girl I like, likes me or not?

The girl I like does laugh at what I say even if the cl doesn't laugh and she does pay attention to when I talk to her at recess, but that's only 2 clues please help me, thanks!

Monday, August 8, 2011

How are lady macbeth and antigone similar? how are they different?

So far, so good. Another similarity is that both seem to surp their own strength--physical and emotional--to do what they have reseolved to do, and both break under the consequences after the crisis is over.

Tell me what you think about my team?

A lot of steals, but hardly any power hitters. The only true power hitter you have is Aramis. Morneau may prove last year was no fluke, I hope! Good SP, but I don't like Valverde as a closer. He's always getting hurt, or pulled!

How to overcome low resolution with a light microscope?

It is not optical resolution which is the problem BUT COLOUR RESOLUTION.Natural light contains all the wavelengths visible to humans and some which human eyes cannot detect but which can give rise to extra colours in the sample by fluorescence. Most artificial light sources do not have the correct colour balance and lack the short wavelengths which cause fluorescence.So the answer in brief is that natural substances can only be seen and photographed properly and with the correct colour balnce by the light of nature.

First Woman President?

I've only seen 1 Woman that I would truly consider voting for and that Lady is Jugde Judy...She would make a great president. She takes NO S%@T from anyone. I would vot for her in a second. Could you imagine her in a meeting with the Chinese or the Iranians! Totally Awesome

ATL!!! What's The (Real) Deal?

I live in Ga and i can honestly say Atlanta is the S***. I live like 2hrs away but theres always something going on there. Sure theres traffic in what city isn't there. Its a big city with friendly ppl not like new york. Its the southern hospitality. Theres many museums to go to, malls, clubs everything. Rent isn't too bad either u could prab get a great apt for $900 instead of $1200 like in other big city's.

AFL Round 9: Brisbane vs North Melbourne?

The roos are looking for a big win to bolster their shaky confidence. brisbane are already preparing for next season without vossy. Roos by fifty.

Would you say that justice has been done?

You always need to look at the bigger picture in these tragedy's and judging by comments from his colleagues and former pupils he was most definately pushed to the limit both in school and out having to live with someone suffering from depression a special needs child and then some half witted spoil sport kid who obviously has no respect for his peers .I would never have told my teacher to '**** off' but then i was raised and not dragged up. I think justice was done.And I also think that boy learned a good lesson in life.Just because you think someone is in a powerless position to react doesn't mean you can push them to breaking point and get away with it.That teacher judging by his character whiteness statements will always have what he done on his mind and will have a hard to coming to terms with it.

What do you think about the Jenn Sterger- Brett Favre scandal like Favre and Roes?

1.) I don't think Favre will put his marriage or career on the line to miss with this girl 2.) I think these tramps will do anything for money messing with big time pro football players like Favre and Roethlisberger, I'm getting to the point of tired of hearing about these guys being targeted on some scandal 3.) You could count on these girls being threatened by their fans.

Problem with fagor combi boiler?

My boiler is working fine for my hot water but is not firing up for my heating, the red light is flashing 6 times. Is there anything I can do or should I call an expert?

Sandra Cantu's alleged killer Melissa Huckaby may have had another victim?

I live 10 minutes from Tracy, CA where Sandra Cantu was kidnapped and killed by her friends mother that also happens to be a Sunday school teacher. Anyway, while watching the 11 o'clock news, they said another girl came up missing in the same mobile home park (but was returned drugged) 7 years prior and the suspects description matches Melissa Huckaby. Is anyone else purely disgusted by this woman? How could her own child possibly feel growing up to know that her mother killed the little girl she used to play with?

If I win the Canadian lottery...?

Canada would consider it a windfall so it would not be taxed by the Canadian government making the lump sum much more attractive. However, if you're an American, the US would still tax you even though the money was won in Canada. You need to look into the tax laws of your citizenship and your residency, not just the tax laws of the country issuing the lottery.

Where on earth does sirius A point to now? what longitude latitude? what point is lined up on earth?

for example if the great pyramids at giza lined up with sirius before several polar shifts and procession, where now is the point of alignment?

How to apologize to her?

You sound like a gentleman lol,i wouldnt text her it was no fault of yours your not dating, there for you are in no position to feel guilty for not talking,you were both waiting for each other,your friends.gOOD LUCK.

Biology Question...!!!!???

You will have to use a punnet square, and not to do your homework for you but ill get your started with the first part by saying both of the parents are recessive and heterozygous. That should get you set up. Also im not sure if this is a X-chromosome only disses but that will completely change your results if the child is a boy.

Pendulum Experiment hypothesis please?

The longer the string the larger the time taken because the object has to travel further to the center

How do you make a travel brochure on microsoft word?

I need instructions an how to use microsoft word to create a travel brochure for Bulgaria. I dont want to just cut stuff out and glue it to another paper. i want the whole thing to be done by the computer.

Were POW put in concentration camps during WW2 ?

Allied POWs from various countries were held in military bases across the US. Japanese citizens of the US were held in relocation camps tered over the western US. Some US and other allied POWs were held on Corregidor. They were captured on the Pacific Islands by the Japanese.

Did I just have a bad church?

I think you should leave that church, and seek out a better one. While I do not agree with evolution, I would never treat you or anyone else who does like that. Best advice I can give is to pray, and God will show you a better way.

Iodine and starch test?

Iodine turns blue-black in the presence of starch. Amylose is a form of starch. Iodine solution not in the presence of amylose/starch is yellow. Just putting starch in a 37 degree incubator (Centigrade, I presume, because 37 degrees Centigrade is human body temperature, more or less) would not degrade the starch by itself. Did you also add amylase, an enzyme that breaks down amylose into its component sugars, or possibly saliva, which contains amylase? Amylase only works at or near 37 degrees. If so, the starch was not gone, per se, but converted into sugar molecules which do not react with iodine to form the blue-black color.

Mockingjay help.................?

Ok. After "The in" part 3 of Mockingjay, I got super confused. What the heck is going on? Why did Katniss say that "they're going back into an arena". Did the capitols peacekeepers basically set up an arena, that the teams/rebels had to get through to inate snow? Just please explain it. Whats up with the pods, and all that other crap.

Why cant the Goldman family move on with their lives! tragic as it may have have been to lose Ron Goldman!?

It has been yrs since the Oj thing but they keep pursuing him & it seems he still presses their ons coz he gets them all worked up, its like Oj keeps winning over because of that fact, even now with the recent sentencing, they seemed not to be satisfied. Can they move on with their lives for God sakes!

98 Plymouth Voyager 3.0 cylinder question?

I know the firing order, but now I need to know which cylinder is number one, two, etc. Diagrams helpful. Thanks guys.

How do you say "get over it" in Spanish?

As in, that happened a long time ago, and you need to get over it. "Ya paso hace mucho tiempo y tienes que...???

Will a California Governors Pardon allow me to join the military?

it is time for you to move on with this military thing...the record will not only keep you out of the military you will have difficulty getting most simple jobs such as cashierat a bank, retail worker etc etc..

Chemistry question: partial pressure?

A 1- flask is filled with 1.10 of argon at 25 . A sample of ethane vapor is added to the same flask until the total pressure is 1.30 atm.

How to grow my hair 4/4.5 more inches? (Miley Cyrus length)?

WEll its going to take a while due to the fact that Miley Cyrus has EXTENSIONS honey. if you want to go with the unnatural look like she did then you should get extensions too if you want really long hair really fast.

Fallout new vegas dead money help?

i beat the original game and when i try to play more i just start at the place near hoover dam. i downloaded dead money but i cant get out of the place because i cant fast travel out or even walk out hoover dam. i cant get to the place. plz help

How will the USA pay for its mistake in Iraq that cost thousands of Iraqis their lives?

Ask a soldier how much the civilians appreciate what is being done and then worry about that. To be a better country sometimes people have to die. It happened in the U.S. and I don't see many leaving that just despise the war going on.

I’ve finally got rid of my facebook account and my god, it feels so liberating!?

Good for you. It seems that nobody has a private life anymore. Innocent people get hurt and everybody knows everybody else's bussiness. If I want to know something about a person. I simply pick up the phone and call them. People can be so mean and hurtful. Don't you think?

I'm building a gaming computer, need help.?

If you are replacing all of this in a 9 year old computer, why not just buy a new computer? What you are doing is a total waste of time and money.

Dizziness after 7 months of mild stoke?

my diet is oat meal, green leafy vegetables, fish, fruits, & occationally chicken.bed exercise like hand & legs stretching and mild walking early morning & late afternoon. taking asperin 80mgs daily, lozertan, simvastatin & vitamin b2+

Diet help!?

i have been on the atkins diet for 6 weeks now and so far i dont look any different or lost any weight! my question is does the atkins diet work for everyone or just certain body types? And does anyone know of any other diets that can help? im not looking for a quik fix, im in it for the long run. THANK YOU